Singularity Artist Project | Froso Papadimitriou
奇点艺术家计划 | Froso Papadimitriou
From: Walka&捅你桩 奇点计划 Singularity Plan 2018-04-13
—— 探 索 未 知 的 可 能 ——
第五篇奇点艺术家计划,是出生在希腊,现生活在伦敦的Froso Papadimitriou。看过街头艺术,我们跟随Froso的脚步进入应用艺术的世界。在奇点艺术家计划里面,我们会对奇点计划签约艺术家们逐个进行详细的介绍。每位艺术家的介绍会附上他们的部分作品,大家可登陆奇点官网直接购买。
Singularity Artist Project | Froso Papadimitriou
From: Walka & 捅你桩 奇点计划 Singularity Plan 2018-04-13
-Exploring the unknown-
The fifth Singularity Artist Project is Froso Papadimitriou, born in Greece and now living in London. Having seen street art, we have followed Froso's footsteps into the world of applied art. In the Singularity Artist Program, we will introduce each of the artists contracted by the Singularity Program in detail. Each artist's introduction will be accompanied by some of their works, which can be purchased directly on Singularity's official website.
Froso Papadimitriou 出生在希腊塞萨洛尼基,她学习应用艺术, 插画和平面设计。在 2006年, 她迁往伦敦深造, 完成了在Middlesex University学士学位 (荣誉) 和Birkbeck University of London艺术管理和策展和美术教育硕士学习。 在她的艺术实践中, Froso 喜欢进行多种艺术形式的实验创作, 如绘画、雕塑、艺术装置、录像艺术和手工艺等。
Froso Papadimitriou was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. She studied applied art, illustration and graphic design. In 2006, she moved to London for further studies, completing her bachelor's degree (hons) at Middlesex University and her master's degree in art management and curatorial and art education at Birkbeck University of London. In her artistic practice, Froso enjoys experimental creation in a variety of art forms, such as painting, sculpture, art installation, video art, and handicraft.
Froso 综合材料装置作品
Froso Integrated Material Installation

她的工作探讨了在社会环境中, 自我及其对社会的作用之间产生的共鸣。通过观察、个人经历和在不同的社会形态中研究关于孤立自我及公众参与的社会评论。Froso 与英国、希腊、土耳其、德国、芬兰、荷兰、法国、意大利、美国、台湾、日本、莫斯科和中国等国家和国际画廊合作。她还为台湾、美国、希腊和英国的各种刊物做出了贡献。
Her work explores the resonance between self and its role in society in a social environment. Through observations, personal experiences, and research on social commentary on isolated self and public participation in different social forms. Froso works with national and international galleries including the United Kingdom, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, France, Italy, the United States, Taiwan, Japan, Moscow, and China. She has also contributed to various publications in Taiwan, the United States, Greece and the United Kingdom.
《Invisible...but omnipresent》Froso作品

她的部分展览包括: 在希腊塞萨洛尼基的难民博物馆里, "达不成" 集团展览; 在伦敦英国议会大厦的"明日儿童团体展";Hajichi 在冲绳日本的艺术工作室和空间的驻地个展;在国立台湾师范大学被邀请参加一个名为"绘画和超越"的展览并进行了一系列的讲座;“电话: 全球艺术实验由卫星集体”一个以纽约为基础的项目,并登上了《纽约时报》……
Some of her exhibitions include: "Unable to reach" group exhibition at the Refugees Museum in Thessaloniki, Greece; "Tomorrow's Children's Group Exhibition" at the British Parliament Building in London; Hajichi's Okinawa Japanese Art Studio and Space Station Solo exhibition; invited to participate in an exhibition entitled "Painting and Beyond" and conducted a series of lectures at the National Taiwan Normal University; "Telephone: Global Art Experiment by Satellite Collective", a New York-based project, and boarded "New York Times"……
Tehdas, Nokia, Finland Froso展览
Tehdas, Nokia, Finland Froso exhibition

她在南岸的Topolski 世纪画廊担任项目经理和馆长, 并作为社区讲习班的艺术教师。她是一个艺术家经营的非营利组织, 专注于协作项目、展览和活动的合作艺术流动项目的共同创始人兼导演。
She worked as a project manager and curator at Topolski Century Gallery on the South Bank and as an art teacher in a community workshop. She has an artist-run non-profit organization, co-founder and director of collaborative art mobility projects focused on collaborative projects, exhibitions, and events.
奇点计划 对话 Froso Papadimitriou
奇点计划:S Froso Papadimitriou:F
Singularity Plan Dialogue Froso Papadimitriou
Singularity Plan: S Froso Papadimitriou: F
F:我会使用各种媒介进行创作,如绘画、雕塑、艺术装置、录像艺术和手工艺。 我的作品主要是对我周围世界的一种反应。我们对自身社会行为的极个人的经验、研究和观察已然成为我们创作的原生素材,这些作品在对我们跟公众参与的隔绝提出质疑,同时我们还需要面对网络和社交平台的信息轰炸。
S: Can you introduce your artistic creation? What is the theme and medium of your creation?
F: I use a variety of media to create, such as painting, sculpture, art installation, video art, and handicraft. My work is primarily a reaction to the world around me. Our extremely personal experiences, research and observations of our own social behavior have become the original materials we create. These works are questioning the isolation of our participation from the public. At the same time, we also need to face the information bombing of the Internet and social platforms.
I use my work as a basis for discussion. Sometimes with game elements, other symbolic or direct works are binary files that invite everyone to exchange ideas and opinions. Let us resonate with our role in the social environment.
《Slow the much oil》Froso作品展开局部

S: On what platforms do you usually display your work?
F: I usually work with galleries and art spaces. But sometimes my work is displayed in universities and public spaces such as galleries and community centers. In addition, I will participate in art festivals and show them at art booths. In addition, some social media platforms are the way I promote myself. In general, I often collaborate with different spaces to conduct art experiments in different ways, and to reach different people in this way.
Froso在Crack艺术节 2017

S: Where did your inspiration come from?
F: As mentioned above, my work is a reflection of my observations of everyday life. It is an expression of my own direct feedback and feelings about certain specific events, situations, and most often the political events of our time.
F:目前,我已确认参加7月26日至8月5日在德国Landshut举行的“昆斯特对话”项目。该项目由“白立方”机构组织,将介绍来自该城市五个不同地方的国际艺术家的作品。此外,即将发行的新一期《Woven Tale Press》杂志将以专题的形式发表我的作品。
我也正在为今年夏天的两个两个艺术节——帕尔马(马略卡岛)的 “Tropicana Dreams”、和罗马的“Crack艺术节”准备一批新作品,以及筹划着即将在伦敦举办的个人画展。
S: Can you introduce us to your recent art project?
F: At present, I have confirmed my participation in the "Kunst Dialogue" project held in Landshut, Germany from July 26th to August 5th. Organized by the "White Cube" agency, the project will introduce the work of international artists from five different places in the city. In addition, a new issue of Woven Tale Press will publish my work in a special feature.
I am also preparing a series of new works for the two art festivals this summer-the "Tropicana Dreams" in Palma (Mallorca) and the "Crack Art Festival" in Rome, as well as planning for the upcoming in London solo art exhibition.
Crack艺术节 2017

S: As a Greek artist living in London, what attracted you to stay here?
F: London's underground art is too fierce and diverse! As mentioned earlier, life in London can be expensive, and mainstream art is boring (if you haven't been able to adapt yourself to that established art framework). However, creative minds are growing wantonly in London. Various grassroots underground art projects are happening all over the city, even if these projects are lacking in space due to urban regeneration plans, and funding shortages are caused by cutting art funds. They are all booming in their own way.
London has greatly benefited from multiculturalism and the city's determination to be a creative capital. The city has cultivated a multifaceted and rich underground culture. These underground cultures continue to create original, thought-provoking and interesting art projects, and reflect the values of solidarity and diversity of those who participate in or defend this culture.
伦敦的野生艺术 生机勃勃
S: Do you have any expectations for our exhibition? You have the opportunity to come to Guangzhou to participate in our Singularity Art Festival. What are you most looking forward to seeing?
F: Glad to be working with Singularity Gallery and being part of this project.
I am very eager to take the opportunity to participate in the Singularity Art Festival. On behalf of the international underground artists, I will show this art to the Chinese audience. And further expand the impact of this festival around the world.
Personally, I am very happy that my work is on the same stage as many inspiring artists and is being shown to these new audiences. I am very interested in Chinese issues at different levels. This is a great opportunity to create a platform for communication with the audience.
I plan to participate in the Singularity Art Festival. In September this year or next September, I am looking forward to the realization of this plan. Making friends, communicating with audiences, exchanging ideas and experiencing different cultures are all my expectations for my future trip!