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Mother and Man...


Stone, Iron


Natural elements both yield in our will. We have used the stone to build and the iron to prevail, even upon our own world mother. But with what cost?


We learned fast to take but slowly to give and forgot to respect what offer us life. Day in day out we chip away pieces we made ourselves believe we depend on, while building a life more complex and complicated.


Now more than ever the knowledge of the delicate balance between nature and our life has been highlighted and re-established worldwide.


The experience of confinement, anxiety and fear of a phenomenon we have no control over at the moment, should act as a catalyst in redefining our dependence on nature and the necessary respect for it.


This work represents us and our relationship with mother earth.

Mother and Man
Mother and Man
Mother and Man detail
Mother and Man
Mother and Man

Until the last drop


threads, clay, paper, wire and nails


"What holds you back?” she asked.
“Nothing! I am entitled to all! Everything I wanted, I dreamed and craved…Why would you ask such a thing?”

And then we took some more and a little bit more, until the last drop.

Hope, a blessing out of which marvels and miracles happen, or an evil in disguise, which perpetuates our longing whilst imprisoning us to a life of compliance in the hope of an unattainable future?

Within hope, we place the longing and then we wait. We wait within the familiarity of our surroundings and the comfort of our normality. We grow waiting and wanting, hoping that one day it will happen. We build and strengthen our safety nets and stay close to our ways, our parents' ways, our ancestors' ways. We follow the rules, the trends, the norms while, building our lives around the longing, the hope of happiness. We spiral around each other upwards, towards that longing we all share. We sit, we wait and hope surrounded by our familiar walls, trusting our social structures to bring us closer to our heart's desire, never questioning the foundations of our lives, never examining the structures we so confidently rely on.

We maybe never even question the very thing we long for. Is entitlement the other face of hope?


until the last drop01
until the last drop06
until the last drop02
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until the last drop04
until the last drop09
until the last drop05
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until the last drop11

…Tell me where you were born and I will tell you your future…


Resin, silicone, thread and paper


Within the current events of conflict and violence, for some children, their future is defined; from the fundamental question of life or death to the complications and potential issues that these children will face during their lives, given they survive the journey to safety. In the last decade there has been an increase of scientific research on immigration, trauma and metal health, which highlights that symptoms of anxiety, depression and more advanced mental conditions can affect children from a very young age, who experience any form of hardship and might not only manifest during the period of their physical immigration but develop and affect their behaviour further in life. 

This sculptural work aims to highlight the detrimental effect the environment and complex family situations have on children’s well-being, and specifically focus on socio-political states of affairs and geographical locations that still determine the future of a child, whilst globalisation and international exchange is at the core of countries economies and development.



Stone, found plastic


Inspired by our latest mission to mars and the synonymous rover “Perseverance”.


Human perseverance has been the key factor in the continuation of our species, but our perseverance doesn’t stop there. We persist to use practices and sustain habits and life styles despite our knowledge of the ecological destruction we are causing. Change comes slow and many times delayed to its urgency, while our achievements and technological advancements have accelerated.


In its tragic irony one question comes naturally, what will we take with us when we will inhabit our neighbour planet? How many of our mistakes will we have corrected and how much of the damage we have caused will be repaired before we venture to appropriate another planet?





perseverance (3)
perseverance (4)
perseverance (5)
perseverance (1)
perseverance (2)





a pawn amongst countless expendable others, yet with the ability to think and feel.

an incapability to break free, to move towards the other direction.


This work aims to evoke the feelings of being trapped in our own body and by choice choose to eavesdrop the time passing, motionless and stiff like a piece of a chess.







The oil price gone up...


fabric, thread, clay, wood, glass, ink, soap, pigment, feather, remembrance poppies


Commenting on the oils wars the poppy, a symbol of the victims of war in the UK, becomes an offering covered with oil along with a white feather, symbol of peace, which has the same fate.


Thread is denoting human lives and the human sacrifice when everything gains a price value in the race for power domination over oil reserves.






Defeated by the humdrum


thread, fabric, old converse and fetus coffins


This is a memorial to unfulfilled dreams.






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